Assigned issues (1)

Resolution: These issues are already assigned to someone. Is the issue assigned to you? If there's nothing more urgent, try to finish what you started. Is the issue assigned to someone else? Are they actually working on it? Ask them if they are still engaged on the issue, and unassign it if they are not.

Average age: 552.8d, Avg wait: 0.0d
ID Au Desc As Rea Cr Up Re Cmntrs Labels Tags
65 Disable Pointer Events logging by default 2y 8mo 8mo
type: bug
flag: seeking PR
flag: good first issue
priority: P2
Unassigned P0 issues: No matching items
Unassigned P1 issues: No matching items

Unassigned P2 issues (1)

Resolution: Fix bugs! This is the "fun" part. 1. Try to reproduce the issue. Some options for repro: • Use the demo's "custom content" tab • Write a new unit or integration test to simulate the scenario in the report • This lets you run tests in the lab on non-desktop browsers 2. If the issue cannot be reproduced, set "status: unable to reproduce" 3. Once the issue can be reproduced, try to fix it or assign it to someone who can

Average age: 1042.6d, Avg wait: 0.0d
ID Au Desc As Rea Cr Up Re Cmntrs Labels Tags
29 Sometimes fails to detect video elements 2y 2y
type: bug
priority: P2

Unassigned P3 issues (1)

Resolution: Fix bugs! This is the "fun" part. 1. Try to reproduce the issue. Some options for repro: • Use the demo's "custom content" tab • Write a new unit or integration test to simulate the scenario in the report • This lets you run tests in the lab on non-desktop browsers 2. If the issue cannot be reproduced, set "status: unable to reproduce" 3. Once the issue can be reproduced, try to fix it or assign it to someone who can

Average age: 2234.6d, Avg wait: 0.0d
ID Au Desc As Rea Cr Up Re Cmntrs Labels Tags
10 Add eslint and enforce style 6y 2y
type: code health
priority: P3
Unassigned P4 issues: No matching items
Triage Party v1.4.0